I've been applying for over a year now after graduating college, and applied to this company on a whim, not expecting to even get a call. They called Wednesday to schedule an interview for Thursday. So I interviewed yesterday and got the feeling that they were desperate for new people after having to lay off so many back in March, along with an increased workload the past couple months. The interview went well, and I was given a stack of paperwork, instructions for a drug screen, a start date, and a 'welcome to the company'.
To be honest, I'm still very skeptical about this, maybe because it's been so long and this being my first offer. I didn't expect to basically be hired on the spot. They just said to have the drug screen done and paperwork delivered back to them before the start date, and then arrive on the start date.
What all can I expect now? Do I send a post-interview thank you letter, and how do I format it since I was hired on the spot? Do I need to wait for a call or email from HR confirming that I'm actually hired, or does that come after I finish the paperwork?
I just can't get it out of my mind that maybe I wasn't hired, and that they'll call with a rejection any minute now. I mean, they gave me paperwork, said 'welcome to the company', and told me when training starts. So that means I'm hired as long as I turn in the paperwork and pass the drug screen?
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