Trying to find a job BEFORE relocating [US]


I am a current grad student residing in FL planning on (hoping to) move back to CT/MA(/RI) area by next fall when my lease is up. I am from there, and regret heavily moving here to FL as the state overall (including the economy) is hot garbage and my industry now sort of doesn't exist, so I need to move on. I just had a 3-round interview process with a job that ultimately dumped me and won't contact again, and I'm pretty sure the main issue was me "not being honest" about moving back. I've had some fallout during other screenings about this as well. These were all jobs that at the beginning said they were going to be remote until at least next summer, so me being out of state wasn't an issue. I'm not applying to jobs that are short term remote or in person, for obvious reasons.

Moving up before having a job secured is more or less financial suicide, which I can't risk. But I can't seem to convince any job that I am coming back. Does anyone have any pointers for how to navigate this? I knew I was gonna get some pushback but almost outright being accused of lying is really starting to drag me down.

If it helps, my grad program already was fully online pre-COVID and is located in CT, which I thought would help my case. I know the market is rough for everyone right now unfortunately :/

Thank you for reading

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Trying to find a job BEFORE relocating [US] Trying to find a job BEFORE relocating [US] Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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