After three months of nothing a got a casual contracted job at a hospital. It’s good, gives me good experience and I can leave whenever I want. Now it’s ending and I’ve been flooded with job offers and more interviews. It sucks cause I don’t know what to take. It feels good being wanted again since I worked really hard to graduate and I also full timed worked through out study so to hear nothing back from places really crushed me. But now I have options and tbh I’m not loving any of them. The only job offer that uses my degree is in a different city (away from friends and bf) and I accepted a job offer last week for a casual role (thinking I wasn’t going to get anymore offers).
I’m still in a state of giving up. It’s all just covering me and it heavy. I’m going to make the wrong decision and piss someone of and I’m so scared it will ruin my job offers in the future.
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