I will try and make this as short and concise as possible.
I’ve been at my current job for just under 4 years. It’s a union shop and I’m in the middle of the road for seniority for my position.
Twice I have applied for a promotion for a trainer position. Twice I have been denied.
Now the details: 1. On the job for 3 years, 10 months. 2. 9.5 years experience in this field. 3. Became job specific teaching certified about six years ago (GM and I took the same class) 4. No tardies or unexcused call outs in 3 years 5. 1 write up in the last month due to minor driving infraction. (No priors for this infraction) 6. Union contract states person must be full time (36 hours + with full time bid) 7. Prior teaching AND training experience in this field (8 years give or take) 8. I have been given both students and new hires to train multiple times at this job with out having the official title.
Now the issue is the GM and I worked at a prior company together (7 years) it’s no secret we do not like each other. We ARE cordial but at prior job he was good friends with the in charge person. I was blocked from training there due to his personal opinion on me. I did call him out on it while we were in equal positions at other company. It didn’t change anything other that reaffirming his dislike for me. I’m also privy to some of his unethical behavior at prior job. Which I have NOT disclosed or discussed with anyone in the company. But it IS a big part of the reason I do not like him, and I’m sure the reason he doesn’t like me.
I’ve also been passed up 5 times for deployment positions in the last 6 months.
I’m not surprised I didn’t get the promotion, however it does irritate me.
I am wondering if it would do any good to talk to our educational coordinator (who posted the position and interviewed candidates, but GM had final say) and ask if there is a specific reason I’ve been passed up for so many opportunities in which I am more than qualified for.
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