Okay, so to start from the beginning, I applied at a veterinary office as a receptionist. I have quite a good amount if customer service and office experience. With a dabble in the animal field in a doggy daycare at one point. A lot of what they do is reproduction for breeders, and while I don't have direct experience with that, I have some knowledge in the field with my interest in and intention to get into dog showing. The job itself said they were willing to train, so vet experience was not a must. Not to mention the pay and benefits were nothing to sneeze at. So I lunged. They had me come for a Zoom meeting, which I was only 2 minutes late for due to something going on with Zoom on their end. The call was patchy, and laggy. We got disconnected a few times. But the interview went alright, they seemed to like the answers I gave for my questions going so far as to verbally communicate as much. And asked me immediately if I would come in the following week for a job shadow (the interview was late in the week, and they wanted me to come in as early as they could book it the following week). I know job shadows are no guarantee for a job, I have no illusions in that. At the job shadow, I had showered beforehand, wore a nice blouse, no jeans (per instructions), and comfortable shoes. I brought a notebook and pencil for notes. At the shadow, they surprised me with a quiz. It was mostly common sense, but there were trick questions on it. Such as "which month(s) have 28 days?" When you're expecting just common sense or math questions, you're not expecting those. So I answered February instead of noticing the clever phrasing. But there were 3 of those type of questions, so my score on the test was about or around a C+. But they said the test did not determine whether I would be hired or not. The job shadow itself, after the quiz, I was super focused, I interacted well with everyone, I introduced myself to those I met, and I asked lots of questions as they came to me. Especially questions that would help me learn about the job and the establishment. Much of the pertinent information that followed, I wrote in my notebook. I very much enjoyed my time in that job shadow, to the point I really want the job. At one point I expressed as much to the person I was shadowing, and the boss who went over my quiz results after the fact. Not more than once. But I did earnestly express my intention to do the job to the absolute best of my ability. The gal I was shadowing, I asked toward the end how she thought I did, and she did say she thought I did well and said I dressed more professionally than others had. I am relatively confident I did well, but there is always that grain of doubt. To the point I am analyzing and reanalyzing everything that happened. I'm supposed to hear something by Friday and the wait is killing me.
Has anyone been in a similar situation before? Did you get the job? What do you think my chances might be?
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