I have (until today) worked for a small engineering firm for three years. Out of the blue today, I was asked into the CEO's office to have a chat, where I was presented with a termination notice and a final check. I am so confused as to what is going on right now.
In the three years I was there, I called out sick twice, only took a one week vacation once.
In 2019 alone I put in 233 overtime hours, I would come in on weekends and finish projects early to help out the business, I trained new employees and was considered a go-to-guy when anyone needed help with anything. I started at $20 an hour and had built my way up to $37.50 an hour in three years, I thought things were going great.
I've never had a write-up, any kind of disciplinary action, all of my annual reviews were always stellar and met with generous raises and EOY bonus checks.
The CEO of the company just said "I think it's just time that we part ways." When I asked him "Why, what did I do wrong?" His response was: "Nothing, there is no reason, here is a final check for $3,200 with your vacation time included, and a slip for unemployment saying you did nothing wrong."
I am shocked, I have no clue as to why I was even let go. I've never done anything wrong that I can think of. I never talk about politics, religion, or anything controversial. Most of my interactions are always very superficial or surface-level "hey, how's it going" or "how was your weekend" the standard trivial office conversations.
The business has been significantly slower since COVID, but we were all told every monthly meeting that there was plenty of incoming work since March.
I've been able to stay busy, although I was asked to pace myself a little slower just I don't fly through projects being there were fewer.
Business never stopped during COVID and I had been feeling extra fortunate to not be in the same position of millions of Americans. I was so wrong about that.
I've never been fired from a job until today. So this is just appalling behavior to me. Who literally says "No reason"? I felt like he could have just been honest about things being I've given 100% effort for that company for 3 years. "No reason" seems so immature.
I know the business isn't failing because the CEO takes vacations with his family 5 times a year and just bought two new BMW's. So I'm so confused as to what the reasoning is.
No one else was fired, just me. This makes me think the CEO had some kind of personal problem with me.
The only thing I can think of that may have been a catalyst is back in May I started using my G.I. bill to finish my bachelor's in finance and started taking securities examinations like the SIE and Series 66. Which I would sometimes study during my lunch breaks. Everyone knew I was pursuing higher education, but I don't know how that could be viewed as a bad thing or in a negative light. Being I'm taking night classes that have never once interfered with my work schedule in any way.
I'm reaching out to this sub to see if this has happened to a lot of people in stable jobs that weren't laid off because of COVID. Does anyone have any idea why this happened? I'm sure I'll never know the real reason, but some reassurance and insight might make me feel better.
I honestly didn't even know what to say in response. I just said, "I guess I'll go get my things from my desk and clock out now." He asked, "Do you want to say goodbye to anyone." I responded, "No, I would prefer to spare myself the embarrassment." Clocked out and left. Just like that.
It just feels so crass and impersonal. Deep down I know I didn't do anything wrong. It's plaguing my mind trying to find an answer that doesn't exist. I've gotten like 20 texts from buddies from there asking "what happened"? And all I can say is "I really don't know"
Have any of you ever been a superstar employee and just randomly let go out of nowhere?
What did you do? I'm stuck filing for unemployment and continuing school not knowing how I'm going to pay for regular expenses like rent, car, credit card etc. 90% of my money is in the stock market, which I was planning on using for retirement. Now I'm going to have to sell a ton of stock off and get eaten alive on taxes until the UI benefits kick in, and the extra $600 is over too. $450 a week for California seems like a pittance premium compared to the 35 an hour I was making.
I know a lot of people are in the same exact position right now. I don't want to seem like I'm complaining, but I never have been fired before, never even filed for unemployment until today, and honestly never thought I would be or have to.
It's honestly just shocking. Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcomed.
I'm just looking for insight on some reasons as to why this happened that could or would make sense or maybe help me rationalize what just happened.
I know I'll never know the real reason and it's just better to let go, move on, and start the job hunt all over again.
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