My position got eliminated while a trash employee gets promoted. Any tips on how to discuss this with superiors?

TL;DR I think a crap co-worker has been taking credit for my accomplishments, talking down about others, and led to elimation of my position and basically a promotion for him, now I'm expected to be his subordinate. Have a meeting with a higher up and looking for advice on how to discuss this..

To keep it short I don't really care about the job, I planned to only stay a few more months anyways. However its really insulting to be the only good employee truly working hard, only one with the knowledge and skills that is required to do it well. I have certifications to back my knowledge and I have a huge paper trail to prove not only how I saved the company a fortune, made the company money, and also how the other guys has ignored me and others to cost the company money. Our department has no oversight or accountability so the superiors wouldn't know any of this information.

I'm not trying to convince management to change their decision. I'm burnt out and leaving before long anyways so don't much care but I do want to make sure my name is cleared and for the sake of the other employees make sure management knows how things really are so that in the future there may be some accountability.

Any advice on how I should discuss this with with my superior to not just sound like a petty disgruntled employee?

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My position got eliminated while a trash employee gets promoted. Any tips on how to discuss this with superiors? My position got eliminated while a trash employee gets promoted. Any tips on how to discuss this with superiors? Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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