Feeling Lost

Hey Reddit,

So, probably a very familiar story, with a few tweaks, and I'm hoping someone much wiser than I can disentangle what it is I'm going through/feeling about my job hunt.

I recently (as in, a few hours ago) quit a job where I was a removal technician for funeral homes, working for a 3rd party contractor. I was paid $25/body moved (a $15 pay decrease from when I was doing it in rural-ish Idaho, believe it or not), worked 24 hour on call shifts, 4 days a week, had no medical insurance, and I'm not even sure my name was on the insurance policy for the vehicles I drove. Essentially I just constantly felt unsafe. Maintenance on the vehicles wasn't really kept up - if the van needed an oil change, and I was driving it on shift, I was expected to take it to get the oil changed - potentially losing out on any bodies to be moved. One former coworker lost power steering on the highway just recently because they gave him a van that had been overheating frequently for me the day before. I mean, it was so alarming that I told them not to let anyone drive it. Yet they didn't fix it - just handed it off to a newbie who didn't know any better, and never told him what was wrong with it.

I live outside of Denver, CO, have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology/Criminology, and got it with the full intent to use it to get a job in investigations. I don't care what I'd be investigating - financial fraud, internal affairs, trashcan theft, whatever. With the current political climate, I don't feel comfortable becoming a police officer (I'm Black and female, and I just don't want to deal with it). I would love to work for the federal or state gov't, but am having a hard time feeling that I qualify. Everyone wants someone with military experience (which I don't want to have to resort to), or at least 5 years of experience conducting or participating in investigations. Because I was a full-time student, and I lived in the middle of absolutely nowhere, I didn't have any of those opportunities in order to get that experience.

I'm wondering where I should go from here - What transferable skills that I might have learned in getting my degree, might aid me in better marketing myself to land a good paying job (with health insurance)? Even after tweaking my resume, I'm still even getting rejected for asset protection roles in retail stores, which is... highly discouraging. Am I simply unemployable? I have to wonder... :/

I guess even if no one reads this or responds, it was cathartic to get it out. I just feel like I'll be behind everyone in my age bracket yet again. Someone I went to school with is currently buying their first home. I feel like I should be able to do that, too, and I shouldn't have to kill myself working for a paltry wage.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Feeling Lost Feeling Lost Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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