I recently started a new job that had the potential to be everything I wanted. I love the people, the environment, and I'm so enthusiastic but the work itself is soul crushing and I cant keep up?
It's a government job that's pseudo IT and clerical, where you're working many different systems and processes that many others rely on. The first few days I was just overwhelmed memorizing door codes, getting paperwork filled out, meeting everyone etc. but those also counted as my training days where I was introduced to every program, system, and process they use. On the fourth and fifth day I was told I'd be on my own, and I floundered each time.
Each process and system we use are extremely similar and easy to get mixed up, but also very time sensitive. My trainer was sent to cover a different person who went on vacation my fourth day when I was on my own. The acting manager helped me, but due to the time restraints mostly just took on the work instead of teaching me how to do it or better manage the day. Even still, there was work left undone, and a series of people sent angry emails asking why things werent processed yet. The same thing happened my fifth day.
I'll admit that I did not take the best notes at first during the initial training. I focused on how to do things, rather than WHERE in the series of file folders they have the procedure files to work on. I didnt write down seemingly trivial things (put paper face up in tray 9 when printing form x, but dont put form v in tray 9, use tray 8!) In part because I was told there was a guide on everything.. it was written the same way without specifying where things were and missing some procedures entirely.
You can't bring home any notes to study, or forms to review because of the private nature of the work. I didnt recieve any log-ins to any of the accounts needed to do the work until the fourth day, so a conservatively estimated hour and a half was spent just setting things up. It put me behind the 4th day, which carried the 4th days work to the 5th day.
I can tell that once I understand where things are and how to do them, itll be a lot easier, but it seems like itd still be a close call on time. At every job I've ever been at, I always moved up quickly and was praised for being productive and professional. Now I feel like the village idiot, and I'm being paid to feel stupid. What can I do?
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