Graduated from college with a BA in Liberal Arts in 2018, took a retail gig as a survival job, and haven't been able to break out of retail since. I have two years of experience as a research assistant and five as a book/essay editor, but because all of my most recent experience (for the past two years) has been in retail, those account for 2-3 of the jobs featured on my resume.
Of course, I use the cover letter to expand on more relevant (but less recent) work experience for more "advanced" jobs, but I'm at a loss for what to do regarding those retail gigs. Except where the skills I've acquired have been relevant, I've left them unexplained in my letters and focused solely on my research/editing work, but that doesn't seem to have done me any favors in my job search. That said, when I shared with a friend my most recent letter (wherein I devoted two sentences in my final paragraph to explaining how/why I ended up in retail and what I've learned from it), he advised me against it. At this point, I'm just trying something new when faced with the failure of old tactics, but I would like to know the general consensus regarding whether an explanation for underemployment, no matter how brief, is a bad move.
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