Hi, I am currently interviewing - finally got a couple of interviews. There is a think tank that I have cleared some rounds in Sweden. The organisation selected my CV, then I sat for a technical test and then an interview. I assume that I must have done well in these rounds - because I did an HR interview today. The HR manager gave me some information about the remuneration and other perks etc. After the meeting I was told that I was going to be sent a document discussion the remuneration, I am free to look through it and forward any questions I would have on Monday. The important paragraph from the letter:
"The remuneration package is negotiated individually but would typically include a taxable salary from !@#$%^ per month. The income tax (in !@#$%&*( municipality) on this amount is about 21-22 %. On top of this, there are allocations for the cost of living !@#$ SEK and housing starting !@#$ SEK per month. The net take-home salary per month translates to around !@#$% SEK. However, the cost of housing needs to be covered from that sum."
The email said that if I was okay with this, I should let them know that I am willing to move ahead with the next steps- which include a psychometric test, another interview with the head of the research line and a research presentation. The HR said that we were having this discussion so that we wouldn't waste anyone's time later.
I said that this was agreeable, but I might have some questions later, I will email them then.
I made a rookie mistake partly because this is a dream job of sorts, and it is one of my first interviews. I didn't check the housing expenses of Sweden. They are crazy. I am as of now falling 6500 SEK roughly $650 of an average life in Sweden. I am not expecting a lot of money, but I do want to work in this organisation and transition from the US market to the Europe market ultimately. Do you guys think there will option to negotiate later on for the 6000 SEK if I get selected later on? Or are I did I just sign away any room to negotiate later on?
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