Is going back to uni to study something "useful" the only way I can get an office job at this point?

I've got a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography (originally wanted to go into GIS) from a prestigious university in Vancouver and close to two years out of college, I can't seem to find myself even the lowest tier office job there is. And its even something I'm working towards; I've been volunteering for almost a year at a non profit doing receptionist work and did a 8 month temp gig as a filing clerk (it involved data entry and excel use), but I still can't find anything.

Is going back to university to study either business or STEM the only option I have left at this point? I don't have enough money for a bachelors which means a masters is the only choice I have and even then there's the chance I'll be overqualified with no experience working in the field. Plus, I know people will be salty when I say this, but I don't have the aptitude for STEM. The reason I even graduated with a BA in the first place was because I flunked all my STEM classes and it just seems any course that requires a substantial amount of maths in it just ends up with me only barely scraping by with a C grade. So, I don't even think its wise for me to actually do a STEM masters. But, do I really need to? I mean, I'm still getting interviews even today with my Bachelor of Arts degree.

My Post grad work permit here in Canada is expiring in slightly over a year and none of the jobs I've worked really qualify me for permanent residency since they're all contract based. I'm actually of both Thai and British nationality, so I do have to go home to Thailand or set up a new life in Britain after my work permit expires (this is assuming I can't extend my stay in Vancouver with the working holiday visa). Going back to Thailand is all fine and dandy since I can live comfortably there, but the problem is that I won't be able to work service jobs at all due to my appearance (I look more British than Thai). Which means I can't even get a job at McDonalds over there so I can only settle for something office related, which is why I'm trying my hardest to get experience in one.

I'm not really looking for an office job that requires a particular specialization. Mostly just admin assistant, desk jockey, clerk, data entry and front desk related jobs; the kind that you can get without having to major in STEM or anything. Really, I'm not even fixated on a career at this point since an office position is all I want. Something in which I can wake up and go to work on a 9-5 full time shift every Monday to Friday.

Do I really need to go back to university for another subject or is it just my interviews that are holding me back. It's kind of uncertain at this point since even when I do well on them, I still end up not getting an offer. If I go back, what do I even study? The only STEM related subject that interests me is Accounting and I am currently eyeing the Accounting post grad diploma at UBC (same uni I graduated from), but is it even a field that's worth getting a post grad degree in without any related work experience?

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Is going back to uni to study something "useful" the only way I can get an office job at this point? Is going back to uni to study something "useful" the only way I can get an office job at this point? Reviewed by Louhi on mars 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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