I am a young person in the oil and gas industry. For the most part, I really do love my job - the team I have is cool, the company treats me well, the work is semi interesting, etc. I get paid really well (more than I deserve, I'd say), which is really awesome, but almost creates a golden handcuffs problem.
I have been doing very well in my current job for 2 years now. My boss, who was a great mentor to me, recently left for another company. I really want my boss' position. She had 10 years experience. Without getting into specifics of my company, I know my boss' job really well - I do a lot of the lower level day-to-day work.
I have found out recently they are hiring externally for my boss' old job. They're hiring someone who has 10 years experience, and worked with some of the higher ups at their old company. My company has communicated very positively about my progress, and tell me they intend to move me along.
I am not quite sure how much to read into this...
On the one hand, I simply lack the experience. At pretty much any company in the industry, 5 years experience is the minimum to do that job.
On the other hand, on merit, I deserve it. Honestly, I think I know it better than the person they hired.
Am I being too self important, in thinking I deserved the job?
I don't think my company is intentionally passing me over. However, my concern is that I don't want to commit several more years to this, if a promotion isn't in sight. My job is getting boring, I feel like I have already got the hang of it, and there are few relevant skills to other industries. I could get roped into doing a lot of the legwork for the higher ups, with some trivial pats on the back, and none of the increased pay or better lifestyle. There is so many older, unemployed/underemployed people in the oil and gas sector, that it makes it difficult to rise up as a young worker.
At the same time, I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill. My company pays me super well, it's still a solid job, and I may still get a bit of a raise this year. I am inclined to want to pivot towards an emerging sector like renewables or technology, but I know it's easier said than done. I already have 1 costly university degree that landed me this gig.
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