Hey all, so I’m a recent grad an after almost a year of applying, I nailed my first interview for a job in my field.
The interview went great, I got invited to sit in on one of their meetings so I could see how things were run (I went), they gave me a tour of the facility, and even the woman touring me told me to relax because the interview went great. I sent a thank you email. I was told I would hear back last week....well the day rolls around And I don’t hear from them. I got discouraged but later that day, my references told me they were contacted that day instead. ALL of them missed the call (one at work, one away from phone, one out of the office on business) but they all returned the call before the end of the week. But they all reported the same thing...it went straight to voicemail, and they left a message but haven’t been contacted back yet.
It’s been several days, so I sent an email following up and haven’t heard back. I was just really looking forward to this job, it’s something i actually care about and i was hoping i would finally get out of retail and do something that matters to me.... but it seems like at this point me (and all my references) are just being ignored. Am I being too anxious? If I’m being broken up with or ghosted I wish they would just let me know I’m not the candidate they want...instead of inviting me to events and playing it up so much
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