I am currently an IT Analyst making around $42k/year. I also work a 2nd job making around $15k/year.
To make a long story short: I left my IT Analyst position for a "promising" position that made $55k (on paper, after increased benefit premiums and parking fees, it was probably $45k at best). I ended up leaving the company because I completely hated the job, management had no structure and no clue of what they wanted me to do, so I went back to the original company making the same $42k/year.
Basically how that happened was I reached out to my former manager and told them that I made a mistake and wanted to come back. They pulled strings for me and allowed me to return with the same pay and seniority.
Due to many financial mistakes, my wife is terrified that we are broke all the time, and I am working 60-70 hours/week to not break even. I'm 32 days late on one of my car payments and basically I've accepted that it's getting repossessed at some point. My wife is looking for a job, but she would have to pay for day care because we cannot find a sitter, and the return doesn't look good with how expensive day cares are here.
I graduate in about two weeks with my bachelor's in Information technology. My plan was to refresh myself on programming by using my free subscription to Treehouse to build up more of my programming knowledge and get a portfolio going. Additionally, the company I'm at is going to give me 6 weeks paid leave when my second child is born.
Would it be ethical/good idea to start searching for a better company. I've been searching for something along the lines of systems administrator, systems engineering, of computer programmer (though the latter, while I have experience with languages, just not on the job experience). But I have concerns. I'll be losing the 6 weeks paid leave in February, plus I would have to pay back $4500 in tuition reimbursements (policy is that if I leave prior to one year of getting reimbursed, I have to pay them back).
The other concern is that if I decide, I'm really worried I'm going to go back into the stressful cycle of rejection with employers after promising interviews. Are there any recommendations to improve my resume, or any reddit page that does resume reviews possibly?
I make around $55k at two jobs. I left my initial career to work for a job that I hated and returned to the initial career. I am broke and on the brink of losing everything even with working this much.
Is it ethical to leave the job that pulled strings for me and find something better. Market seems to be 60-70k for systems admin positions that I've been searching for.
I seem to struggle with resumes and interviews as I've dealt with 15 interviews before I got the offer at the crapshoot job. Recommendation for (free preferably) resume reviews?
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