Dressing down for the second interview?

So for the first interview I went to, I ended up wearing a whole suit and tie. The job is for an office setting and is definitely business formal attire for interviewing, however I am considering dressing a bit down for the second interview. I know that it is technically okay to wear the same suit for the second interview, but I would prefer to wear something slightly different. I have an idea what I would be wearing for everyday casual wear at the office, so I wanted to dress up between that and business formal, as I think it might resonate with them, seeing how I’d fit in the office on an everyday level. What I had in mind is: white shirt, tie, vest over it all, slacks, and dress shoes with a watch. Is this okay or should I play it safe and just wear the whole suit again? I will be interviewing with an extra set of people this second time, for reference.

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Dressing down for the second interview? Dressing down for the second interview? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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