My managers are getting hostile towards me and other coworkers for not coming in on our days off/ do doubles to cover call outs
We get a LOT of people calling out. Like an average of 2 a day. I cover at least 1-2 shifts a week, lately I’ve been too busy (I had 3 exams this week) so I didn’t take any this week. Last night 3 people called off, one found a cover and the others didn’t. The managers took to the employee chat to ask for covers. When they got crickets one of them sarcastically replied to the non-response “Great teamwork guys”
Today we had multiple call outs, it’s my day off but I chose not to respond again as I think I actually deserve a day off this week. Another manager replied to the lack of responses with “Really? No one can come in?”
Now the managers are flipping out at the people that never call out, including me on the chat. If I realistically covered everything I’d work 60 hours a week and doubles back to back.
How do I deal with this?
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