I can't stand my coworkers - Is it outrageous to quit right now?

So, I was working at a healthcare clinic for ~6 months as a medical scribe, going through medical records and creating charts during patient discussions in real time. It was fun and I learned a lot, and I had/have a good relationship with the doctor I worked for. I was employed by an outside scribing agency that was separate from the clinic. Last June, a position opened up at the clinic for a medical assistant position. The key was that you didn't have to be certified, you just had to be capable of learning on the job. Well, I got the job because the people at the clinic knew and liked me. I have been working said job for ~3 months and I cannot stand members of my team.

It's incredibly toxic, straining, and I dread going to work every day because of my team. The work itself is okay but I feel that I'm sort of at a limit of anything that I could learn at this point. I'm currently finishing up undergrad one class at a time and then planning on applying to medical school in about a year. I really want to leave the job I'm currently in but I'm nervous since I haven't been working for them that long. It took a lot to leave the scribe job and they were super pissed that the clinic wanted to hire me, so I don't know if they will give me a good reference. Now if I leave my medical assisting job I just don't think it'll look good on my resume and I fought so hard to get the job that I"m incredibly dissapointed that I'm feeling like this. I just want to go to work and be okay with being there and not dread it. Since I'm just working until medical school I have flexibility in what I want to work in for the next few years and I just can't imagine staying here for longer than a few months. There are a few openings at local planned parenthoods for receptionist positions which would pay alright and I think I would enjoy since it's a more relaxed environment. I would get paid less than what I'm making now. What do I do? Stick it out for three months because 6 months looks better on a resume? Or do I just say I'm over it and quit because I can't stand the people I'm forced to work around everyday.

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I can't stand my coworkers - Is it outrageous to quit right now? I can't stand my coworkers - Is it outrageous to quit right now? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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