How to cut ties with a recruiter who suddenly became rude?

A recruiter from a consulting company and I have been going back and forth, and there was an opportunity open that matched what I wanted, and he brought that up last thursday. Throughout the whole process he has been very nice and caring about what i'm looking for, but today, he called my phone multiple times without even scheduling a phone call with me (I was busy with work and meetings today) and when I did finally answer my phone, he was pushing me to get him documents in a very rude manner. He wouldn't take "I'll send them after work or when I have free time" as an answer, and wanted them "now". Totally rubbed me the wrong way...

How can I tell him that I am no longer interested, because of how he acted?

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How to cut ties with a recruiter who suddenly became rude? How to cut ties with a recruiter who suddenly became rude? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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