A little backstory (apologies)
I started training to be a nail technician under a woman who my mother saw for a few years. She knew of my artistic talent and offered me a spot in her class (she has an educator's degree). I took the class at the beginning of July and was immediately overwhelmed. My mental health has taken a turn for the worse in the last month approximately, and combined with the fact that I do not have a passion for nails, I have reached the decision to leave the practice to work solely at my first job (I'm also a part-time student)
Here's where my problem lies: All of my work thus far has been training- So I haven't been paid whatsoever. My boss is also a fiery Chilean woman. Her previous response to my work-induced panic attacks and me breaking down at work was "Just don't be anxious." and "Just don't disappoint me.". I am one of two people she has ever trained, so I know that this can come off as a lack of teaching skills on her part...
How do I tactfully give her my two-weeks notice without insulting her, and while I'm still in the training process?
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