When I seek out help online their is typically a negative response, which doesn't help at all, but I'm trying here just in case anyone can help.
I'm very long-term unemployed, some of it I can explain but there's at least two years I can't explain to potential employers (without disclosing disablity). I'm Autistic with ADHD and depression, due to executive dysfunction I struggle to job search and when I do due to depression I get significant anxiety or suicidal ideation. I worked for years without issue, there's no reason to think I'd not be able to do so again now - in fact my depression is caused by unemployment, which also made my ASD and ADHD worse too, so in theory my disablities will improve if I'm in work.
I need help because, as well as struggling to be able to job search, when I do try to job search I'm stuck on what jobs to search for; I'm looking for social focused roles, but it's tricky to narrow down what to search for or open up to more options. Due to disablities and the risk of going back into work I've got to find a role that's a good fit too.
I've been referred or self-referred to various employability agencies but they're of no help - I know how to write a CV, etc. which is about all such agencies can help with. When I'm referred either they meet me once every few weeks for a catch-up over coffee, or they refuse to work with me as they think the fact I can't job search means I'm not willing to work...which is not true at all!!
I volunteer - currently I only have one voluntary role (I've had others over the last two years, my last volunteer role ended suddenly so I wasn't able to replace it prior to it coming to an end), thus only have one set of references and without anyone else to give me references it's difficult to even get a new voluntary job. I don't have references from previous employers as none of my previous employers even exist any more. Volunteer work evidently isn't enough either, it's not viewed favourably or equally to paid work.
When I do apply for jobs around 80% ask me to interview and I get good feedback, the issue is often just a lack of recent experience - if I could apply for more jobs I improve my chances...but I need either support to do that or to find a way to deal with job search by myself (figuring out how to regularly job search with executive dysfunction, determining what roles to search for, and doing this without anxiety/becoming suicidal).
Can anyone offer any advice?
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