Would you take a pay cut to change careers in my position?

I’ve been working in non profits for 6 years and do prospect research - as simply as possible I find prospective donors so that fundraisers can ask them for money. I’m looking to make a career change and have been exploring the idea of business development. It seems to use many of the skills I already have (namely knowing how to find prospects) and wouldn’t require me to get another degree.

My issue: I would likely be taking a pay cut to get into this industry. I’ve been looking at average salaries in my area on Glassdoor and they seem to make less than what I make now. BUT I’m also at the top end of my pay scale for my position. Unless I change positions where I work I won’t be getting any more significant raises. We do get annual ~1.5% increases for inflation. If I moved careers I think I’d have more room to grow - more senior positions, higher wages as I get more experience etc.

I know most people don’t change jobs unless they’re seeing a salary increase, but would you do it in my case? I’m topped out where I am now but see the possibility to make more when I move, even if I make less to start.

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Would you take a pay cut to change careers in my position? Would you take a pay cut to change careers in my position? Reviewed by Louhi on août 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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