Working for a company with questionable ethics

I recently got and accepted a job offer from a company for a position that's a step-up from my last. However, the entire premise of the company is one I find a bit ethically questionable- they create software that targets and scopes out the wealthiest donors/customers in certain situations. I am hesitant to continue because of this, then again, I think to myself, "what kind of corporation/business practice/industry isn't capitalistic to some extent?"

Beyond all this, the job itself is a step-up from my last one, seems to provide much better work-life balance, and has great benefits. However, because of the above, I am torn on whether I should continue with the opportunity.

I definitely feel I could do better, but no companies have been giving me the chance to get a position related to my undergrad major. I only seem to be able to get basic admin-related roles, with the opportunity to move up from there. I am working on some tech skills, but that takes time. I have 5 more months of unemployment should I decline this role, and am able to support myself off just that.

What am I to do in this situation? I feel so torn between my personal ethics and what is right, and taking a position that would be a clear step-up from my last role. Thanks in advance for any insight.

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Working for a company with questionable ethics Working for a company with questionable ethics Reviewed by Louhi on août 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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