Unemployed 7 months, 150+ resumes, handed out resumes in person, 0 callbacks

Hi Reddit world, this is my first post on here and I was wondering if you could shed light on how you handled being unemployed for so long - i'm starting to lose hope. I got a great job with pretty good pay in Jan and without a word of notice I was let go. I qualify for EI and my rent is covered (THANK GOD) but I'm really starting to lose hope. I have a bachelors degree in psych, admin experience, research experience, operations management and case management. I've never even missed a day of work! I've sent out SOOO many applications with detailed and tailored cover letters but it's been radio silence. I'm trying to get into the research field for Alzheimer's but i've been applying to everything else as well. I've had my resume looked at and everything but I have literally gotten 0 call backs and radio silence. I'm getting really really worried, is this the job market? I have 4 months left of EI but i never thought i'd be unemployed this long. The stress is taking a toll. What have been your experiences? Has this happened to you? How did you deal with it?

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Unemployed 7 months, 150+ resumes, handed out resumes in person, 0 callbacks Unemployed 7 months, 150+ resumes, handed out resumes in person, 0 callbacks Reviewed by Louhi on août 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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