I'm going to quit my job soon and start a (hopefully) better one. My current company tends to lag on annual performance reviews. Not because the supervisors are lazy or incompetent, but because our CEO is a micromanager that needs to review and approve Every. Single. One. CEO also has other "high priority" projects and pushes "low priority" reviews down the road.
This has never been a major issue for me before, because my boss gives me consistent feedback and all pay raises are retro'd to the original date the review was supposed to take place. My review this year was set for March, which was when I completed my self-eval. Since then, crickets despite my gentle reminders, which is no surprise. I had started my job search by then anyway and pretty much considered my raise a loss.
So, should I ask for the retro pay that I should have been earning since March? Odds are my supervisor already has my raise budgeted and I have a good relationship with him.
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