I know I messed up. I got an offer in Manhattan, I knew that my offer in terms of salary was already about 15k over what they were anticipating ( I asked them to beat my other offer in NYC).
I am moving from out of state, and I accepted their first offer because things were a bit rushed. I got a 5 digit signing bonus but I didn't ask them about relocation. I am finding out that in Manhattan it's very common to ask for first and last month rent and a month of rent for security deposit. I am also finding out it's pretty hard to "pre-sign" to an apartment 3 weeks out.
When I told my friends that I didn't get relocation, they were very shocked. They told me to go back to HR and ask for a few weeks of corporate housing. Does anyone know how this would be viewed to HR, and how to go about doing this? I am thinking of asking for 2 weeks of corporate housing, but perhaps that's too much?
- Moving from 2,000 miles away
- I am selling all my furniture in my apartment and buying it in NYC because I would have nowhere to ship it to.
- The company is a pretty wealthy company, (aka not a startup, so won't necessarily have an issue with money)
Draft Email:
I have been looking online for apartments in the NYC area for a few weeks, but I didn’t anticipate that a lot of the real-estate goes the same day that it’s put onto the market. So it’s been a bit hard for me to see an apartment, then see it in-person and have it be for a move-in date of around the xx of June.
I was wondering if (company) has any resources for employees who are moving out of state or if (company) offered any corporate housing for a few weeks to get settled in. I apologize for not bringing this up earlier in the process, I moved 6x in two years previously and I thought NYC housing would be somewhat similar but I was mistaken. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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