Hey all, I applied for a job I'd really like and I'm trying to figure out if I should follow up or not.
I applied online. They immediately sent me some job-related skill testing questions... I agonized over the answers so I spent roughly 2 days on them, though they were fairly easy. It took me 5 days to submit but that was well within their 14 day deadline. The job itself is doing something that I have experience doing but my answers (mock client questions) were a bit long because I tried to be extra detail oriented. They also asked some salary expectations my salary expectations and I gave them an idealistic but reasonable number and said that I was willing to negotiate.
They wrote back to me the day after I sent my reply thanking me for my answers and that they'd read them and reply 'in due time.' I wrote back the next day thanking them and telling them that I looked forward to their response. That was exactly two weeks ago today.
This is a UK start up operating out of Japan with native English speaking clients. Sorry for the long post, I really want this position. Do you have advice on whether I should follow up or not, or do you think I would have heard back from them by now if they were interested?
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