Would taking this job be a good idea or end up hurting me in the long run?


I was offered a naturalist position with a seasonal camp. The camp runs September - May and the work hours are Tuesday - Friday with Monday being off. I get paid for 40 hours regardless. They also offered housing but its a bit rustic as its a trailer with no shower/wifi (I can use amenities on the camp). The pay is $14/hr so I would bring in about ~2k pre-tax. I currently live in with my parents rent free. This is also near my college town where I can volunteer/reconnect with old bosses from my internships.

I'm debating this offer as the free housing is a great deal and would save me $800-$1000 despite it being kinda run down. The hours seem exhausting (7 am - 9 pm) but the three day weekends seem worth it and I would also be given meals for 4 days a week. What makes me nervous is that there is no benefits or employment during the summer so I would be on my own then. I was thinking of taking the position and keep applying as it would probably be a few months before I'd be offered anything by a consulting firm/government job. My end goal is ~$20/hr with benefits ideally using more of my technical skills I used in college. But this seems like a fun job. I'm wondering if I should take the job or just be patient and wait it out at home.

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Would taking this job be a good idea or end up hurting me in the long run? Would taking this job be a good idea or end up hurting me in the long run? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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