I'm 28 years old, live in east Germany and work as a software developer since 2012.
Before I started working, I was studying Information Technology, but I aborted my university degree due to self-doubt, laziness, lack of knowledge and my former mindset of never asking for any help at all.
I only barely got my high school diploma too, because I was always stubborn and refused to do anything for school at all, but I was intelligent enough to kind of struggle my way through it anyway with minimal effort and, needless to say, with bad grades.
Today, I’m living in a city with a fairly small IT sector at around 500k inhabitants.
My current company is fairly liberal when it comes to hierarchy and the need for any degrees. Our CEO always claims to pay people according to their actual performance, quality of work, etc.
That said, every employee in our company still only gets paid fairly poor, based on talk with colleagues and the manager for HR.
After struggling through school and aborting University, and earning relatively little money compared to my friends (who all graduated, but in different jobs, not IT), I now feel like I’m falling behind. Some of those friends started working after graduating and they (of course) earn way more money, some even up to 1.000€ per month more than what I get paid.
Still, I don’t want to invest another 5 years of going back to university, earning next to no money and in the end maybe not even be intelligent enough to graduate this time. I lack skills even for basic high school maths, and It has been 10 years since I actually had to study.
In addition, in the past 4 years our company grew and we hired a lot of new developers, and to be honest, I often don’t feel like the ones with a university degree are naturally better than I am.
From my personal experience with my new colleagues I can tell, that not the degree determines how good one is as a developer, but just work experience, ambition and having a knack for logic, abstraction etc.
I talked about this with my CEO, and he was very understanding of my situation. Still, he claims that a University degree won’t help me in the end, because I basically just invest 5 more years into an education that will give me only a better understanding of general mathematics, computer science and of course the diploma/masters degree, but won’t necessarily make me a better developer in the end.
I’m torn, between my need for validation by earning a university degree, or by earning way more money, so I can get validation from my bank account, and the voice in the back of my head that tells me „The value of a human being is not determined by a degree or money. Don’t put so much stress on yourself, you earn enough money to live comfortable“.
Can someone just tell me of their own experience, give me some advice or just an opinion?
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