So I applied to this position for a large British company. I’m currently in the US so I’m not sure if they do things differently there versus here. But I get a text message a couple weeks after applying from an assistant HR lady who wants to set-up an interview. But she says she tried to contact me several times via email but I checked through all of my emails and there was honestly NO email from them. So I was a little confused but this was a job I really wanted so I replied saying that I could come in two Mondays ago. On the day of, she and the hiring manager text me again and say there was actually a conflict with the hiring managers schedule so they have to reschedule. I didn’t get the message until super late because I’m using my boyfriends phone number as my primary contact and he doesn’t always tell me when they respond. So anyways, I say sorry I didn’t get it can we reschedule? She says no so I’m like okay well I guess I didn’t get the job then. But then she texted me today out of the blue again and asks if I still want the job and when I’m free this coming week. So basically, I’m a little confused if this is legit or not. I looked at the company’s website and they said that they will typically call for a preliminary interview before they do an in person one but they never called me. They only texted me and it was to interview right away. Also the interview is two hours long.
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