Is it ever too early to establish a salary range?

I’ve been looking for a new position recently and have noticed that a lot of times myself and whoever I’m dealing with aren’t aligned on salary. I usually figure this out fairly deep into the recruiting process (after a couple phone interviews).

I was wondering if it is acceptable to establish a salary range prior to setting up times to interview (whether phone or in person)?

I apply to a lot of positions and I’d rather not waste both parties time if our compensation requirements don’t align. Am I jumping the gun here or do I have the right idea?

Note: this is only for jobs that don’t require a salary range in the job description. Yes, I do use resources like Glassdoor and the like.

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Is it ever too early to establish a salary range? Is it ever too early to establish a salary range? Reviewed by Louhi on février 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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