Starting new job, and already being left in charge of store?? Majorly stressing!!!

Hi all,

Very recently I began a new job at a boutique health/beauty retail store. I have never worked in retail before and mainly have experience in childcare so you can imagine how pleased I was that I got the job after the interview!

However... my manager informed me that I will only have four training sessions (two of which I’ve already had) before I am going to be by myself in the store for my shifts, as the store is very small and I suppose doesn’t need more than one worker on at a time. I am extreeeemly anxious about this. I managed okay the first two training shifts but there is still so much I don’t know and I’m terrified of being by myself and making a mistake, especially one infront of a customer that I don’t know how to fix right then and there. I’ve been taking a notebook to my training sessions and writing down everything she tells me so I can look back at it for reference, but there is still so much I don’t understand, especially the till system and the records we need to keep if certain of purchases.

What do you suggest I do? I’m becoming more and more nervous for my first shift by myself in about 4 days, but I need this job. Any advice would be beyond helpful right now.

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Starting new job, and already being left in charge of store?? Majorly stressing!!! Starting new job, and already being left in charge of store?? Majorly stressing!!! Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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