So I'm working towards a job in the music industry and I've had a large number (with a few big names) of internships over college. I graduated in 2016, spent a year doing another internship and then a part-time job, then spent a year teaching abroad until August 2018, and since then I've been actively job applying. I FINALLY got a job offer, but it's for a job that is not in music. It's for a non-profit, which I would still be happy to be a part of, but OH MAN if I was offered any music job right now, I would take it immediately in a heart beat over anything else asap right now. But I need to accept/reject this non-profit job by THIS FRIDAY. Unfortunately, two of the jobs I absolutely want haven't even gotten back to me about my application (both were put in just last Friday by employee referral), and the other two I would rather also get won't get back to me until this Friday, and those won't even be the final offer, just a accept/reject to the second round. I also have another first interview lined up on Friday. I really don't know what to do or what is the best choice. I've been applying since SEPTEMBER 2018 and this is the first job offer I've had... but it's also not what I've worked for in my resume. But I really need/want a job...
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