Background: Three months ago, I was hired for an administrative role in the office of the dean of School A at a large university. During the interview process, I made it clear that one of the attractions of the position for me was the opportunity to finish my degree at School B of the same university. I was selected, and I have had an excellent first few months on the job. Furthermore, my supervisor has been very supportive of my education plans, even going so far as to refer me to various members of School B leadership and promise accommodation of my class schedule. I am currently in the application process for the degree program at School B.
Yesterday, School B posted a job with the same function and title of my current role. Obviously, it represents a potential significant upgrade: more substantially relevant to my career interests, uniting my professional and educational activities in one building, better networking opportunities, etc. However, my gut reaction is that it would not be appropriate to pursue the School B role so soon after starting my current role.
Any advice?
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