I work in food prep and delivery. Famous franchise chain, you all probably know it. Originally I took the job because it was evenings which allowed me to care for my child while my wife was in a job certificate program in the mornings. She has finished her program but I still feel kind of obligated to stay because I've only been there 6 months. There were a ton of problems I've seen and noticed. City manager committing fraud. GM screaming at and demeaning employees in front of customers. "Legal" drug use outback by managers and occasionally employees. Changing dates on food so it doesn't read as expired. Finally, the last straw, the other night my GM said somthing that could totally be taken as sexual harassment to another employee in front of me. The food dating ive brought up to my GM several times, he says he would get canned if he didn't do it. Owners are real pieces of... you know. Again, franchise. The management style of the GM he refuses to change and basically blames it on us for not cooperating and being bad at our jobs. The fraud part... who knows, I have no way to prove it and the GM is just pissed and taking it because he has to. The sexual harassment I saw the other night... I talked with my coworker who it was directed at and I offered to be a witness. She went and told my GM. Now he's pissed, took me aside and yelled at me for a while. Basically he was like "talk to me when shit bugs you dont let it build up." Everything I've complained about in the past he's blown off. I have no clue why my coworker ratted on me for offering to back her up. Mostly I'm about to walk in, pick up my check and toss my uniform on the floor. I'm in a Right to work state where I can quit at any time and they can let me go at anytime. I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm still here is so they dont have to pay unemployment. I'm already only working two nights a week because my wife's school is done and she has a new job. At this point am I wrong to just walk away? Should i talk to my coworker and try and get a better idea on how she felt? I'm already gonna try and report the franchise to corporate and hope they investigate the owners' practices. Should I report the incident between my GM and the female employee, even if she doesn't want to?
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