I am hoping for advice on my work situation. I have been working remotely since March 2020. In my office, it is only my manager and me, however, we work for a large organization. I moved into this new position within my organization in November 2019 and I had about 4 months in person (I was able to take a long Christmas break in 2019).
Working remotely has been a huge challenge. Overview of my boss, he is unqualified, arrogant, and unmotivated. My boss is MIA, not communicating with me for days, won't respond to my emails or customer emails I send him. Forgetting deadlines or directions he gave me then calling me out of the blue trying to get me to complete something because he forgot. He has been passing off his own work to me and says "I don't think my job should have to do this", and in reality, his job description says he has to and is the title of his position! I can't go into great detail as it would give away too much, but an example of the work is we have to analyze around (600) client files over 4 months and I have done 90% of the files. If someone found out a person at my level of the organization was analyzing all these files, it would be bad. So I end up having to take on more work because of this. I have no idea what he does during the day because he only works for 4-5 hours.
He has children and is completing higher education. I acknowledge the pandemic has been challenging for anyone with children and I am not in the same situation. BUT, this situation is affecting my life and mental health, my anxiety is through the roof and I feel the way we are working is pending an error.
I am worried when something does happen, I need to be prepared. Should/how I track this so I can show I have been doing the work. My boss does not take criticism well, I don't think it is an option to have a conversation with him. It's only a matter of time before this surfaces and I want to cover my ass.
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