Hey guys, so long story short I am moving to a new state in August. With school being completely remote, and the option for my last year (Fall 2021) to be online I've decided to move to a place I feel I will be happier and enjoy life more. I'm also looking to build a career in Advertising there after I graduate but I need to do something in the mean time to pay rent and bills. The cost of living is a bit more expensive than where I live currently, so I may have to work full-time while I finish my last two semesters. I have a few leads with friends currently living in the area but I wanted to reach out and get some more ideas about when and where I should start.
- When is it an appropriate time to start applying for out-of-state jobs if I plan to move the beginning of August?
- Should I put when I plan to relocate on my resume?
- Could I apply to entry level positions in Advertising/Marketing/Sales while finishing my last year or is that a waste of time?
- With the current state of the economy, will I be able to find any job whatsoever during this timeframe?
- Is there a summer program or certification course I could take online to help get into a specific job market?
Thanks for taking the time and reading this over, I will be getting help from /r/resumes to ensure I have something presentable that will hopefully get me an interview. I have experience in a few different fields but my education is focused on Advertising and Business Management. I have a lot of technical skills with computer software and hardware with previously working as a computer technician. Any advice helps!
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