I would appreciate experiences and perspectives on dealing with an incompetent boss. He is completely out of his element and refuses to change.
I work in a medical laboratory for a large hospital that supports a large portion of the region through various external practices and specialties. We have a great director, support staff, and techs but our assistant director is very difficult. Because he is buddy-buddy with the current CEO, he is not able to be fired. He has absolutely ZERO experience in a medical laboratory, or any laboratory at all. He was moved from his former role in IT because of complaints. Our workforce is dwindling to the point where we only have the exact number of people there are stations and there is at least one call-out a day. He delegates all of his work to leads, which in turn have to delegate their work to their teams, which overwhelms everyone. He is constantly trying to expand our workloads with new 'streamlined' processes that are ass-backwards. The moment he gets an idea in his head, he will run with it no matter if it's good or bad. Every hire he has made has gotten fired within three months. Combine that with the current staff dwindling there is just too much work for everyone, especially with the addition of COVID and the new tests we have to run every couple of months. He tries to start problems by asking Z "is there something going on between X and Y that I need to know about?" He is now going out of his way to change my role to cover the holes that he won't hire to fill.
I have talked to my teammates, and we are all on the same page. I literally have three more teammates putting in their notice in a few weeks. That will leave three people left on the team. We have tried mentioning things to him, but to no avail. We have tried talking with our director, but they're unable to do anything about it because of his ties to the CEO. Even one of the clinical directors is getting upset because the new assistant director keeps running around the director and taking issues and changes directly to him. Yet he gets upset if we speak to ANYONE but him about a potential problem.
Did I mention he has been here half a year and last week he couldn't even recall the name of the LIS we use?
I stay here because I love my teammates. They try so hard. I love all my other bosses and my director, but my mental health has been deteriorating. My panic attacks are back, my psychiatrist has me on a number of meds so I can cope, and I really want this place to work. I put so much hard work into this job and really improved it before he came here. I have a very bright future here if I can stick it out, but the atmosphere is so dismal and hopeless. The sad thing is, the man is truly convinced everyone loves working for him and they love their jobs.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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