Applied for marketing job & started, but 1 week later it is being shifted to another department and cut off from my actual field / peers (from Marketing Department to Customer Service center). I need a job either way, but am not sure how to express I am not happy with the change.

This company listed the job as part of the marketing department. I am 28 and have a degree in Marketing and my whole resumé is marketing, including the objective statement. In the interview with the marketing team we got along great, said I’d be working on their content and when demand was busy, the whole marketing team helps with comments needing order help so I’d also engage in customer support on social media and they’re determining the percentage but I’ll be doing both and training in both.

I started Monday and first day was trained on the social media support stuff. Next day was strictly training on content marketing duties. Day 3 was back to customer support, and day 4 was back to content creation stuff. Both trainers (both under the marketing department, support and content) said I was doing great. The content supervisor even has me schedule all the stuff I made for her to go public on their pages across the upcoming month.

But at the end of the day, the guest relations person says she is going to move to a new guest relations team and I’ll be moved to work there with her instead of in the marketing department. And I’m disappointed. I am from a marketing background and applied for the marketing department and started in the marketing department. I had no indication I’d be disconnected from it completely until she said that.

This weekend she sent another random message about how she started in Sales at this company and moved up to running their customer support so it’s good for me that I’m part of her new split team... as if they forgot I know what I do for work and am not just looking for any job to grow into that comes up?

I am powerless in the sense that I am low on money and need the job badly, and in FL it would be stupid to upset them since they can do whatever they want really. But at this point I feel like I need to email the head of marketing and communicate that I was interested in the position because it was in the marketing department and I liked using my background on the content work that was in my initial training days. I’m willing to support where needed to stay at the company, but I would like to work in marketing since it is my chosen field. Is that fair to say? Not sure what else to do...

TLDR: I need a job badly and scored a good one that was in a marketing department which matches my chosen career history and education, but 1 week into it they are dropping the marketing duties and moving me to customer support in a different department. Not sure how to help myself get it across that I don’t want to be removed from my field and just doing the customer service outside of marketing.

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Applied for marketing job & started, but 1 week later it is being shifted to another department and cut off from my actual field / peers (from Marketing Department to Customer Service center). I need a job either way, but am not sure how to express I am not happy with the change. Applied for marketing job & started, but 1 week later it is being shifted to another department and cut off from my actual field / peers (from Marketing Department to Customer Service center). I need a job either way, but am not sure how to express I am not happy with the change. Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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