Looking for a bit of reassurance: is asking about a "hiring timeline" basically akin to thinking you have the job?
I'm a little hung up on this right now. I was told I'd likely hear back about an internship around this week. I emailed the hiring manager the other day to ask if there were "any updates to your hiring timeline."
The thing is, I got an interview the day after I submitted my application. The interviewer said I was easily the most "accomplished" candidate whose application he had received so far, with other compliments that I can't remember specifically. (The internship is somewhat entry-level and I'm in grad school after a good post-college career, but it's in a field I want to get professional experience in, and the organization itself is top-notch. I'm in my mid-20s, but most applicants were in their early 20s, he told me.)
I thanked him and did my best to be appreciative in a humble way. I've been told I come across as boastful sometimes –– which is always unintentional –– so I do my best not to appear too proud if someone gives me a compliment. But the rest of the interview was pretty casual and went well overall. Heck, he even dropped a few f-bombs (not directed at me) so I felt able to relax and speak more candidly while still being interview-appropriate.
Anyway, now I'm worried, looking back on it, that maybe I acted as though I was definitely going to get the job after he told me that. I'm now wondering if reaching out to ask about his "hiring timeline" might make it seem as though was referring to my personal timeline of being hired, like, "so when can I start?" –– when, of course, what I'm really asking him is, "please just tell me if it's a yes or no." But asking that is totally normal, right? And not presumptuous?
I'm really not this anxious about other stuff, I promise. The job searching process is just crazy-making.
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