I work at a shipping company full time for 16$ an hour. Sadly our hours are volume based, so they are not guaranteed. I worked 12 hours a day peak season (November-late December) and made insane money at a mandatory 60 hour workweek 6 days a week. Yesterday I worked like 3 hours due to lack of volume. I’ve been told this is normal.
I do have the chance to get a part time job very close to where I work already (5-10 minutes away) and am looking for a part time job right after my shift so I have time to sleep until I start the next night shift. I’m starting that search now.
I want one full time job to make things easy but well paying full time work is so scarce in my area, and my current job offers amazing benefits that I don’t have to pay much for at all. And tuition assistance. I have an associates degree I can’t use and want to go back for an electricians diploma.
Most jobs only pay around 10$ an hour, and I’m going to need to split rent and other expenses soon. I don’t want to spend my entire life working either though. I can take the second part time job but when peak season comes around again I’ll be stuck working around 14 hours a day between both jobs. I can’t just work only a few hours the rest of the year though.
I’m so torn here and don’t know what to do. I need the second job but want sleep and a life too.
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