"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow and have you come in for orientation and fill out paper work." Don't believe this lie and don't quit the job search until you sign those W4s and starting earning those hours! They never call you back and it's a waste of time for you to wait for them.

Just keep applying until they call you back and explicitly tell you to come in on a specific date and time to fill out the paper work. I am 25 years old and have gone through 13 jobs so far and currently unemployed (I'm job hunting at the moment and I lost count for how many times I have been in this situation.) To explain my rampant switching between jobs, is that I come from an Indian reservation where there are little to no jobs and most of the work is in nearby towns and cities that border our reservation boundaries.


The rest of this post is just an emotional vent of my frustrations with job hunting and the job market here in America. It doesn't serve anyone or help them in any capacity, so don't bother reading it.

Each reservation across the continental United States of America handles their tribe differently from each other and not every tribe is the same (some are poorer than others, while others pretty rich). My tribe in particular has a low employment rate (not enough jobs for everyone living on the reservations) and the majority of us have to compete with the non-Natives for the opportunity to work in nearby towns.

The first 10 jobs came from me free lancing and whatever odd job I did to get by after I graduated high school. It was inconsistent, unreliable, and I remember having to sleep in my truck to save gas and money on traveling. Driving from my home to the nearby town was 50 miles and took a whole hour to enter the town. That had a cost $25 in gas money just to reach town, and another $25 to come back home, each day. All of my job applications were rejected and the only work was a with a staffing company that could only send me out to work once a week because of how little work there was. Which at the time in 2016, was paying me $10/hr. I was earnest and eager to prove myself, so I worked hard, fast, and finished in about 5 hours...so I would only make $50 for that whole week.

The next three jobs came from moving to a bigger city (I only had $20 bucks that paid for my gas money), living miserably for the first few years and understanding that the job market in America is messed as a whole. I don't know why its like this or if it can be improved upon, but the only thing I know for sure, is that it is a severe waste of my time to wait for a interviewer who is earning a wage to take their time selecting candidates and being coy about the process.

So for this part of the thread, and to validate the time for people who took the time to read this far into the post, here is some great job hunting advice and general advice to succeed in whatever industry you are currently in.

For the job hunters: You have to realize that there are hundreds to a thousand applications looking for work. You are competing with me for that job and I am not going to lie, I want that job more than you. I already went to work tired, injured, and homeless just to hold down a job and I am not afraid to go through it again to get what I want. So you have to be continually improving upon yourself if want that job (no matter what it is), because I worked with thousands of people from all walks of life, and the ones who get the job, are the hungry individuals who can value and understand the opportunities a job provides. So they know how to present themselves to get what they want.

For the currently employed: If you're slacking off, I'm gunning for your position. I have been called a hard worker just for showing up to work, sober and on time. I have been called the best worker by numerous employers, just because I follow direction and do the work. The bar is set incredibly low in the American workforce, that it is easier to be promoted and earn those pay raises. My personal group of friends are high school dropouts and college failures, but they own their successful businesses, manage a company, and are successful because of them adhering to some sort of structure they developed for themselves.


I don't know what the purpose of this thread is, other than to vent my emotional frustrations of being on the job hunt for lord knows how many times. I am tired of going to interviews to be played by managers who already have their internally selected candidate for the position and wasting my time.

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"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow and have you come in for orientation and fill out paper work." Don't believe this lie and don't quit the job search until you sign those W4s and starting earning those hours! They never call you back and it's a waste of time for you to wait for them. "Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow and have you come in for orientation and fill out paper work." Don't believe this lie and don't quit the job search until you sign those W4s and starting earning those hours! They never call you back and it's a waste of time for you to wait for them. Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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