Something keeps happening to me. Almost the same scenario repeats itself every day or two. That is, I keep seeing job postings in my field that are better than what I have now in Florida. I also have family there, but I currently live in Ohio.
I even had a bite on an application for a position I applied for in Gainesville. But what concerns me is the big picture. Better pay but I would have to sell my house and find housing in Florida quickly (which isn’t easy nor affordable). Plus I would be uprooting a child in high school. But the stability at my current job is very dicey. And I’m having surgery next week. How do I interview out of state when I’m on the mend? Gonna have to get creative.
In any case, it keeps happening. Looking at job adds. Florida. Another Florida. And another! I’m doing a national search btw. I put in app the other day for a position in Orlando. And now two more popped up in Gainesville, which gave me a bite on my last app.
I swear something is pulling me to Florida.
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