Consistently Top performer with perfect metrics, passed over promotions and extremely unhappy; should I let my manager know how unhappy I am in my upcoming year end review?
I have a year end review coming up soon. I usually write a very well written 2-3 paragraph self-evaluation but this year I just want to write 2-3 sentences basically saying that i know my numbers are high and that there's nothing else to say.
I have been unhappy because I feel like my contributions mean nothing, I didn't get a leadership promotion twice already even after making my intentions clear. My ideas and recommendation proposals are acknowledged but not considered. My ideas mean nothing, my numbers and metrics mean nothing, I feel like I mean nothing; after almost 3 years I have seen no progress in my career and I am starting to get depressed.
Thank you for reading.
edit: we are ranked in the entire department, I have been ranked 1 of 400+ for 2 years and ranked 2 of 400+ 1 year.
I always get the highest possible raise which is barely COL...also we don't get COL raises
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