1) When your stupid, shittily built by a 12 year old data extraction program tries to take information from my uploaded resume and sort it into the various fields on an online application (education, work history, etc), do you actually expect me to go back and fix all of its stupidity? Shockingly enough, my name is not Walmart, and my phone number is not 01442. My jobs duties at Google were not 774 east granceville road.
2) But seriously, do you guys want us to fill out all those fields even though that information is in our resumes?
3) Do you have bots scan our resumes for keywords? Does it scan the data entry components of the application?
4) How do you feel about cover letters?
5) Theres always the questions about race and veteran status and stuff. Why do you ask if one of the options is "prefer not to say". Do you hire people who just select "prefer not to say" or do you have a specific race and gender in mind which you would like to hire?
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