I've been at my job a fews years now and there's been quite a bit of turnover on my team, but also business wins that have grew our size drastically. This has led to my time here being incredibly disorganized. I've done a good job just taking whatever's been thrown my way and being really flexible.
With all the changes, I've had 2 direct managers leave the team and went a span of almost 6 months manager less. I've gotten so much better at my job, and have heard that feedback. But then my manager leaves and I'm back at square one! And since I've had nobody consistently backing me I've lost a lot of projects that are directly aligned with where I want my career to go, and people have been hired above me which has led to me losing some management and oversight which is a major bummer. I've been asking about raises and promotions for well over a year and can't make anything happen because nobody is around long enough to vouch for me, and our higher up leadership tends to forget about me.
Have you heard the expression "failing upwards"? I've been doing the opposite and succeeding downwards. I feel behind in my career and really bummed out.
I'm just so emotionally exhausted from fighting to keep my job, to stay on projects, and to get some type of mentorship. I've made award winning work, I've lead projects well above my paygrade. I point these things out and my company makes a point of hiring other people to lead those things.
So now I have an official check-in with my new direct manager. I would really love advice on how to bring up some of this in concise and professional way. My main points are I want my career to go "ABC" which I was doing super well, but now am being pushed into "DEF" and I would like that to not happen, I want to go back to having more leadership on the projects I used to lead, and I want a promotion before the company keeps hiring more senior people.
TLDR; Miserable at job, how do I concisely and professionally ask new manager to help me? Is it even possible to move up in this situation?
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