I am a lot older than most regular users of Reddit. I have read the post of the post graduates just entering the job market and I feel for you. There is an anguish that comes from changing gears and moving from college life to the adult work-a-day grind. There is a desire to obsess about your first job choice. You ask yourself "how does this fit with my career goals? Is this a dead end? What if I can't do this forever?" I get it,
Allow me to give you a broad view looking in my own rear view mirror.
First, do not panic. The job you are doing now will not be your life's work. With the way technology is moving it probably won't exist in five years. My career path has been a game of Frogger (If you don't know Google it) where I jumped from one opportunity to the next. I lost the game a time or two but I always manged to find employment opportunities even if they weren't the ones I wanted.
Careers are more about hind sight. You tend to see a pattern in your career over time that you cannot see looking into the future. The more jobs you have and the more skills you gain the more you can direct the flow of your career but you will never be in full control. Economic down turns happen. Whole industries crash and burn (I spent 12 years in check processing.) Skill sets go obsolete. This is not your fault but it is a part of keeping your eye out for the next rock to jump to in crossing the stream.
I cannot stress enough the importance of friends. I have kept in touch with my workplace friends over the years. We have a life bond. We spent a good deal of our lives together. They are also a good source for that next move. Every friend you have knows three other people. A referral is the best form of job lead and I have been on the receiving end of a few in my time.
Please have some savings. Put something away out of every paycheck even if it's just $20 because the rains will come and even if they don't you may want to move to a new city to take a job. You may want to get an apartment closer to you job. The list is endless but having money equals having opportunity and options. If you are just starting out do not put this off.
There will be times in your professional life that you will be shattered. The company you love just folded. You go from being super busy to being on the street. It is very very hard not to take it personally but don't. It is a lonely time. You will feel that you have no place and it's tough to face the world. It is these times that you need solid friends and relationships to see you through. Like money, be sure to cultivate real friendships outside of work. You are not who you are because of the job you have.
Sometimes the job you hate will turn into the job you love with just a personal change. Sometimes you will make a friend for life or get a work partner that is very special to you. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you will love that person like a brother or a sister. Life is funny, short, tragic and beautiful all rolled into one. You will see more of how your life turned out when you reach my age and look back on it. Best of luck to all of you.
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