Should I leave my full time job for self employment?

Hey guys, I am a 29 yo dude. My situation is a little unique- since my early twenties, I have had multiple sources of income. Currently I have a full time job as a shift manage for grocery delivery workers. My job is essentually to manage 22 shoppers across 6 different grocery stores in my area, who shop for people who place orders online. I get paid 17 an hour for this, plus money back for trabel between stores, and free groceries at least once a week (if someone screws up an order) I would say with everything together i'm bringing in about 38k a year.

I have also been a real estate agent for about four years. I sell 3-7 houses a year, and average 30k a year in real estate income. I also have 4 investment properties I manage that bring in an extra $1800 a month after all expenses. They are all under property management so they do not take up much of my time.

Finally, I am a notary signing agent (basically the guy who explains all the paperwork to buyers and sellers at real estate settlements). This is 1099 work and I can schedule settlements around my schedule. I just started this a couple months ago and am averaging an extra 3-5k a month doing this.

I also have a wife who has a great job in Pharmaceutical advertising, and who I get my healthcare from. She makes well over 6 figures and we could live off her income in a worst case scenario.

My question- do you think I should quit my full time job and go all in to the notary signing work/real estate sales ? If I had more time I could almost definitely sell more houses and take more loan signing appointments. My only qualm is that the income is not steady- I get paid 30-45 days after completing a settlement for the notary signing work, and real estate transactions can take months before I see a commission. I feel like the answer is fairly obvious here, I just can't seem to take the step of actually quitting my job. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Should I leave my full time job for self employment? Should I leave my full time job for self employment? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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