Hi. I’m mainly posting for some input as I am feeling extremely embarrassed and ashamed at an honest mistake I made and honestly just want some feedback.
TL;DR: I received a job offer/start date for a job I was recommended for and am perfect for that doesn’t actually require a bachelors, found out I apparently did not actually graduate when I thought I did despite fully believing and telling them I had graduated in 2018, sent a professional/honest email to my HR coord explaining said mistake, am now waiting to hear back and internally imploding from embarrassment and shame about making such a stupid error.
A few days ago I received a job offer for a position (good salary!! Full benefits!) that I was recommended for by my sibling at their company. I have been technically unemployed since 2017, but I did some part time/cash jobs to help (stuff like babysitting, helping a family friend with cleaning and organizing her house, etc). Anyway, I had been applying for awhile, was struggling to get replies, so when my sibling told me a position that I would be perfect for opened up at their company, I was ecstatic.
I killed both the phone interview and the video interview (due to COVID). And I got an offer. Yay!! Without going into tons of detail, I really struggled towards the end of college (ADHD/severe depression and anxiety), and I had some other health issues going on, but I thought I had graduated. I applied, was approved, opted not to participate in the ceremony, and promptly put it out of my head. Primarily because I was so relieved to be done, also partly because I was dealing with health stuff from a car accident. Was not contacted about any issues after that. This was in Dec 2018. Thought all was good.
Now, I have accepted this job offer, received my start date, and they started my typical background check, things are going well aside from HireRights inability to do their basic job and verify employment from information I had submitted.
In an effort to make the verification of everything easier on myself, I started gathering all my W2s, pay stubs, etc to submit in case there were any issues. I logged into my university’s portal to try and get my transcripts for the education certification, and surprise, apparently there was an issue where a course I took that I was told fulfilled a core requirement, was actually not fulfilled, and therefore I was not officially graduated. So I am 1 course short of completing my degree. Now I have been in full on panic. I genuinely was not aware of this issue, it had not been communicated, and I had assumed my parents had received my diploma in the mail as they are my listed permanent address but I live elsewhere and they never told me otherwise.
Important to note that aside from this one course (which is a core requirement all students have to take, not one directly required for my specific major) my degree requirements are all fulfilled, and I have been working for said family friend for the last year or so, so I do have current experience. I also am 100% more than capable of kicking butt at this job. The requirements do not require any higher than an associates degree, and my offer letter does not state anywhere that the position is contingent on my education qualifications. The issue is that, since I fully thought I did in fact graduate, I told them that in my interview. Again, I AM FULLY QUALIFIED FOR THIS POSITION, and in all honesty it’s a great company and everyone that I have interviewed with and spoken to has said they loved me.
Anyway, after literally making myself sick with anxiety and looking online to see others’ experiences with stuff like this, I finally sat myself down and drafted out an email to the HR coordinator. I explained the general facts, did not disclose the specifics of my health stuff but mentioned that immediately following completion of everything they were my focus, and reassured her several times that this has no bearing on my knowledge required for the job, qualifications, or experience, and that I am immediately going to rectify the error. I said that although the position itself does not require a bachelors, I highly value honesty and transparency, and that I am so embarrassed and sincerely apologized for my mistake. Told her I did not intend to give incorrect information, but that I wanted to make her aware of this error and reassure her that it will not impact my performance. It was a longish email, but I ended it by saying that I am so excited to begin this position and become a member of the team, and that I sincerely hope this will not jeopardize my employment. (My email was much more put together and professional than how it seems in this post, but I’m freaking out)
Sent it off about an hour ago, haven’t heard back yet. Just feeling extremely anxious and ashamed and embarrassed with myself, because this is for sure not indicative of my abilities or my performance, and if my offer is rescinded I don’t know how to tell my sibling/family how much of an idiot I am. They were all so excited for me when I got the offer. I’m really hoping that because the position itself doesn’t actually require a degree and because I was honest about this it will not impact my offer but I’m so scared about what I’m going to do if I honestly messed this up. I just feel so stupid. There’s no indication that that is what will happen, but I am just thinking the worst possible scenarios and just want to cry.
Has anyone dealt with this before? Am I effed? If I’m not effed, can you please share your experience and reassure me that it might be okay?? If it matters, I am 26, my graduation was Dec 2018 (or so I thought), and my degree was not technical (it was a BS in psychology). I’m going to actually finish regardless of what happens, but this was an honest mistake. :(
ETA: for what it’s worth, I contacted HireRight and asked them to correct my response for the “did you graduate” portion, although my enrollment dates were correct, and once I found out this discrepancy, I emailed the HR coordinator to let her know, it wasn’t like “uncovered” by anyone but me, and I wasn’t trying to hide anything or be dishonest.
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