Extensive interview process for a low paying, part time job?

I applied to a part time position because it belongs to a very interesting and growing company that I admire. The job listing didn't list pay or anything, but I was hoping it would be a decent rate and something that graduated into a better, full time role.

I was selected for a phone interview and found out it is a 15/hr part time (20-30hrs/week) job. I asked about advancement and they responded it is absolutely possible and people have done it before, but it is not guaranteed, there is no timeframe, and it would ultimately depend on the needs of the company.

Meanwhile they are conducting an extensive interview process, telling me they will select finalists to come in for the next round of interviews, etc.

Is this normal? I would understand if this was some sort of internship with clear advancement opportunity, but it isn't.

Also, would anyone have any advice on pursuing the job if it is offered to me? It is a company I would absolutely love to work for, especially if it were to turn into a full time position. However I would have to make huge sacrifices to live on 15/hour (including other part time work on top of it), and while I could justify that for a specific timeframe, the open ended no guarantee for promotion kills me.

I really do want to ask who their ideal applicant is, whether it be students, recent grads who still live with parents, or what. But I don't know if that would be appropriate.

I appreciate any advice!

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Extensive interview process for a low paying, part time job? Extensive interview process for a low paying, part time job? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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